Authors, directors, actors and improvisers, coaches and fascilitators work under the umbrella of inszenio.

All of them experienced stage professionals and business experts!

We are happy to introduce our english speaking colleagues here.

Anna Böger

Actress and Trainer/Coach.

Acting training at the Max Reinhard Seminar in Vienna. Numerous theater engagements as well as film and television roles. Member of the inszenio team since 2009. Training focus on presence and impact.

Tania Carlin

Actress and Host/MC.

Acting training at the Arts Educational School of Acting, London. Numerous theater engagements at stages in London, including the New Players Theatre and the Man in the Moon. Sound experience as a business theater player in German and English as well as a presenter and speaker. With inszenio since 2012.

Stefan Fischer

Coach and Moderator/MC.

Studies: M.A. Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University. Found vocation in training and (workshop) facilitation in 2007. Accredited LSI consultant and 9LEVELS coach. Training specialties: (Intercultural) communication, conflict management and lateral leadership.

Petra Goldkuhle

Coach. Actress. Fascilitator.

Communication studies (dipl.), breathing and voice pedagogy (dipl.), acting training in Berlin. Further training in systemic coaching, process- and embodiment-focused psychology (PEP), improtheater and provocative system work.

Coach and trainer since 1996. Main areas of work: Communication. Leadership. Performance.

Haye Graf

Actor and musician.

Acting training at Studio O 33 in Hamburg. Since 1995 changing engagements in Hannover, Göttingen, Hamburg and Quedlinburg. Theater sports training with Volker Quandt. Numerous engagements as improviser, e.g. at the Harlekin Theater Tübingen. Since 2009 with the inszenio team.

Antje Klenk

Trainer/Coach. Learning & Development Professional.

16 years of experience as a personnel developer in the insurance and strategy consulting environment with a focus on executive development.
Training as trainer, coach and consultant - New Work.
Teacher training and diploma in education / adult education. Numerous concert and scenic stage appearances, in particular state youth choir and chamber choir Rheinland-Pfalz.

Siddhii Lagrutta

Actress and singer.

Studied acting and classical singing in Hamburg. Five years as an actress on various stages in London. Awarded Best Supporting Actress at Focus International Film Festival for her performance in "White Lily". Since 2014 various engagements in Germany and Switzerland.

Ilka Luza

Actress, trainer, fascilitator/host.

Acting training at the Kreschtheater Krefeld, then engagements at the Stadttheater Krefeld and the Rheinisches Landestheater in Neuss, among others.
For over 20 years active as an improviser for various ensembles, including "Springmaus" in Bonn, placebotheater in Münster and Harlekintheater in Tübingen.

Dave Luza

Actor and fascilitator/host.

Studied at the "Academie voor Expressie door woord en gebaar" (Kampen, Netherlands). Since 1999 active as cabaret artist, actor and trainer in the Netherlands, Germany, England and America.
Specialty: the art of improvisation and the use of modern social games in various communicative contexts (cooperations with Ravensburger, HABA and Kosmos Spiele, among others).

Maja Mommert

Trainer and Improvplayer.

Many years of experience as a trainer and lecturer in the field of creative techniques, communication and leadership.
Since 2003 impro-player and workshop leader with numerous guest engagements. Founding member of the Impro-Theater-Berlin frei.wild. Since 2006 member of the inszenio team.

Käthe Niemeyer


Käthe Niemeyer works as a director for television films and series (including ZDF - Dr. Klein, Letzte Spur Berlin). Lived in Paris for seven years and now in Berlin. From 1992 to 2001 guest lecturer at the Film Academy in Ludwigsburg. Her short films "Kaffee und Kippen" and "AMOK" were both awarded the rating "Especially Valuable" by the FBW.

Kim Pfeiffer


Studied acting at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen. Since 1997, numerous theater productions, including at the Carrousel Theater Berlin, Theaterhaus Frankfurt; guest engagements at the Oval Theatre London. Various feature film projects. Work as a moderator and presenter at business events. Since 2008 with inszenio.

Benjamin Plath


Studied acting at the Hanover University of Music and Drama. Numerous guest engagements, among others at the Schlossfestspiele Ettlingen, at the caroussel Theater Berlin. Since 2007 ensemble member of the Berlin cabaret theater "Die Stachelschweine". Permanent member of the Shakespeare Company Berlin.

Mirjam Woggon

Actress, fascilitator, host.

Studied acting at the Bayerische Theater-Akademie in Munich, then various theater engagements (including Stadttheater Pforzheim, LTT Tübingen, Schauspielbühnen Stuttgart). Since 1992 improviser with Volker Quandt/ Harlekintheater Tübingen. Business theater player in German and English since 2014.