Presentation training: Presence and impact on the business stage

A situationally confident and credible appearance determines success on the professional stage – for example in a consulting situation, in a presentation or in an important meeting with clients or employees.

Success comes to those who manage to capture the audience’s attention from beginning to end.

We open a rehearsal room and work out three main success factors for an effective performance:

  • Showing your personal strengths in a situationally required role.
  • The ability to connect with your audience and to react to their needs in a present and spontaneous way.
  • The emotional staging of messages within an exciting story.

Training content and transfers

  • Basics of perception and impact in presentation situations
  • Tools for the authentic use of body language, voice and speech
  • Impro techniques for dealing confidently with unforeseen events
  • Tips & tools for dealing with nervousness and stage fright
  • Situational application of storylining and storytelling techniques
  • Exercises and (video) feedback on your own impact

Information on the Presence & Impact training at a glance

Group size

max. 8-10 Participants

Time frame

face-to-face training: 2 days
live online training: 4 x 0.5 days (incl. individual 1:1 coaching sessions)


German, English

Training formats

available as inhouse group or individual coaching sessions

Manager im Weltall - Im Redefluss

These clients, among others, trust us when it comes to "presence and impact"