
Whether it’s a presentation, a client meeting or your leadership role – the virtual business stage requires its own tool set for a successful performance. That’s why we also offer our communication training in the form of live online training for the virtual or hybrid context:

Special features in the training process

In the virtual communication space, the attention span is much shorter than in the presence setting. This applies to business practice as well as to learning practice and therefore requires a different didactic training concept. That is why we design Learning Journeys…

  • … with an individually designed sequence of different micro-nuggets consisting of theory impulses, realistic roleplays with seminar actors including the opportunity for peer feedback.
  • … with a mix of group coaching and individual coaching
  • … with a time budget of no more than 4 hours per day

Presence and impact on the virtual business stage

Business goes remote. The business stage is becoming virtual. And presenting is becoming more and more like camera acting.

The remote setting needs new tools and instruments to make a convincing appearance in presentation situations in front of customers or colleagues.

The online training provides answers to individual questions and offers plenty of room for exercises and feedback in the group.


  • Tips & tools for effective and credible camera acting
  • From content to story – storylining and content design for the screen
  • Dialogue instead of monologue – lively interaction with the audience

Learn more about our presentation trainings here

Effective fascilitation of virtual meetings and workshops

Participants who do not show up at all or participate only sparsely. Questions followed by what feels like endless silence. Painfully familiar? – Moderating meetings or workshops in a remote setting in a lively and goal-oriented manner is a challenge of a special kind. Above all, one thing is required: creating closeness in a medium that creates distance per se.

With the help of seminar actors, we illustrate typical behaviors of meeting participants and provide our participants with tool tips on how they can act in a goal-oriented manner in their role as fascilitator/moderator.


  • Moderate different workshop or meeting phases confidently and empathically
  • Tools & techniques for lively interaction in the virtual space
  • Dealing with unforeseen disruptions and conflicts

Learn more about our new video course “Fascilitating virtual meetings”

Storylining and storytelling for virtual presentations

Yawningly boring presentations, where one bullet point follows another in an accompanied reading event: a good reason for a virtual audience to simply switch off. PowerPoint is a cannibal when it comes to attention. That gets even more revenged in the virtual setting than in the presence setting. That’s why storytelling techniques are needed.

Using realistic exercises, our participants learn how to attract a virtual audience with concise messages and how to effectively stage content for the screen.


  • Pitching content successfully: Getting to the heart of ideas and emotionalizing them effectively
  • From content to story: pyramidal storylining for the virtual context
  • Effectively emotionalizing and anchoring your core messages

Learn more about our Storytelling-Trainings here